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Good order is the
Nothing is so fatal to
To make us love our
People crushed by laws
Example is the school of
The people never give up
The only thing necessary
You can never plan the
Good order is the
Nothing is so fatal to
To make us love our
People crushed by laws
Example is the school of
The people never give up
Good order is the
Nothing is so fatal to
To make us love our
People crushed by laws

Edmund Burke Quotes

62 Displatesby Syahrasi
eye open
Good order is the
eye open
Nothing is so fatal to
eye open
To make us love our
eye open
People crushed by laws
eye open
Example is the school of
eye open
The people never give up
eye open
The only thing necessary
eye open
You can never plan the
eye open
Our patience will achieve
eye open
Ambition can creep as well
eye open
The arrogance of age must
eye open
If we command our wealth
eye open
Beauty is the promise of
eye open
He that wrestles with us
eye open
Nobody made a greater
eye open
There is but one law for
eye open
Beauty in distress is much
eye open
Liberty must be limited in
eye open
Whenever a separation is
eye open
Among a people generally
eye open
Bad laws are the worst
eye open
To read without reflecting
eye open
No passion so effectually
eye open
The greater the power the
eye open
When bad men combine the
eye open
Applause is the spur of
eye open
A State without the means
eye open
Frugality is founded on
eye open
Facts are to the mind what
eye open
Hypocrisy can afford to be
eye open
People will not look
eye open
It is a general popular
eye open
Never despair but if you
eye open
Education is the cheap
eye open
But what is liberty
eye open
It is not what a lawyer
eye open
All government indeed
eye open
Custom reconciles us to
eye open
It is generally in the
eye open
Nothing turns out to be so
eye open
Tyrants seldom want
eye open
Flattery corrupts both the
eye open
What ever disunites man
eye open
The first and simplest
eye open
We must all obey the great
eye open
Magnanimity in politics is
eye open
Poetry is the art of
eye open
Religion is essentially
eye open
One that confounds good
eye open
In effect to follow not
eye open
There is a boundary to men
eye open
All human laws are
eye open
Free trade is not based on
eye open
He that struggles with us
eye open
In a democracy the
eye open
Laws like houses lean on
eye open
It is the interest of the
eye open
If you can be well without
eye open
The most important of all
eye open
Nobility is a graceful
eye open
It is the nature of all
eye open
Toleration is good for all
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