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I´m a classic Shirt Designer
Past Present Future walked
My Class is Lit for all
Ask me about my Book for
A Book Fell on my Head i
A Book A Day Keeps Reality
Protect Asian Lives for
Keep Calm and let the
Stop Asian Hate for proud
Not Crazy not Rich Just
Im anAsian American and
Asian American and Loving
Proud to be Asian geeky
Asian American and
Does this make my Bass
Bendin Tips Rippin Lips
Bass Dad Ever for all
Dont be a Dumb Bass for
Bassquatch for all Fishing
Santa play Guitar for all
Santa play Guitar for all
Funny Christmas Designs
Funny Christmas Designs
Love Xmas Santa Claus for
Cockatoo Mom for all
African Grey Mom for all
Macawsome for all Macaw
Level of Crazy for Macaw
I Need Macaw Fee for all
Pancreatically Challenged
A Juice Box saved my Life
A Sloth does more Work
Zombies ate my Pancrears
Freeloadin Pancreas
Crappie Days are here
I Fish for Catfish
Catfish Queen Catfish
River Hat for all Catfish
Walleye Whisperer for all
Lucky Walleye Fishing for
ID smoke that for all
Trout Slayer for all
Trout Whisperer for all
Walk to End Alzheimers
I wear purple for my Mom
Make Alzheimers Extinct
Alzheimers Sucks for all
Memories Matters for all
Will Tap Dance for Tacos
Tap Dance Queen for all
Life is better when you
I Love Tap Dance and Dogs
Live Love Tap for all Tap
My Life would Succ without
Cute but Prickly for Cacti
I dont give a Fucculent
Live Life in Full Bloom
Say aloe to my little
Lucky Gambling Tee for all
Feeling Slotty for all
Im just a little Slotty
Lucky Slot for all Casino
Queen of the Slot for all
Put some Sass in your
Greet Southern Mess for
Kiss my Southern Sass for
I run on Coffee an Insulin
Zombies Ate my Pancreas
A sloth does more work
Kiss a Diabetic its only
Dead Pancreas for all
Little Cat Alzheimers
I wear purple for my Mom
Memories matter for all
Adventure before Dementia
Forgetful by Nature but
My own Brain tried to Kill
This Babass beat a Stroke
I Survived a Stroke for
I wear Red for My Dad for
I wear Red for My Husband
Glaring hipster Skull with
Sorry Cant Bonsai Bye for
Yes I talk to Bonsai
I Have too many Bonsai
Bonsai Master for all
Bonsai Whisperer for all
Raised on Croquets for all
Let your Conchas be your
My Students are sweeter
Dont be self Conchas for
I Love Tortilla Chips for
Relic Hunter for Hobby
Official Arm Chair
Holy Shamoley its a Boby
Oak Island Nova Scotia
Cicada Whisperer for all
Dragonflies appear when
Let me Sing You the Song
Patience Grasshopper for
Just a Boy who Loves
Weekends are for
Go Away Im in a Scrappy
Friends dont let
Dont make me Crop Your
Scrap Diva for all
Future Psychologists
Esrever Psychology for
I respond well to Positive
of 5