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John 3:16 - A Loving passage
Romans 8:28 - something worth striving for
Being good at something...
Prefer to fail with honor than win by cheating
John 3:16 - A Loving passage
Romans 8:28 - something worth striving for
Being good at something...
Prefer to fail with honor than win by cheating
Take a lover
John 3:16 - A Loving passage
Romans 8:28 - something worth striving for
Being good at something...
Prefer to fail with honor than win by cheating
Take a lover
John 3:16 - A Loving passage
Romans 8:28 - something worth striving for
Being good at something...
Prefer to fail with honor than win by cheating
John 3:16 - A Loving passage
Romans 8:28 - something worth striving for
Being good at something...
Prefer to fail with honor than win by cheating
Take a lover
John 3:16 - A Loving passage
Romans 8:28 - something worth striving for
Being good at something...
Prefer to fail with honor than win by cheating
Take a lover