Albulena Panduri is a self-taught digital artist from Peja, a city based in Kosovo, currently living in USA. Her dream-like photo-manipulations will take you to the world of magic and real wonders.
The beginnings of the artistic journey?
My artistic journey began in 2008 when I joined the Deviantart community. That was my first artistic account and I remember feeling overwhelmed by every piece of art that I saw there. The idea was to just join the community so I can explore and get inspired. In this vast community of artists I was introduced with photo-manipulation as an art form.

Sources of inspiration?
Surreal art was my favorite form of art since I was little, so this and photo-manipulation felt like a perfect fit. I got inspired from everything like, people, movies, books, music, dreams, nature. The most fascinating thing for me has always been the children’s imagination. Their imagination is so surreal and limitless. I try to think with their minds so I can create something interesting that makes you think about it in so many different ways. Most of my works have children on them or are inspired by them.

The creative process?
Plenty of the times I don’t have something particular in mind when I start to create an artwork. I start with an element of an image, then I let my subconscious take over so I end up with something that I probably had no idea I’m gonna end up with. Sometimes I have in mind the complete final image before I start but along the way I develop that idea into something more imaginative and surreal.

Most important part?
I pay really close attention to colours in my artworks. Probably third of the time I spend is only on colours. I know that I’m overdoing it so I have to stop at some point. But people do notice that effort and they especially compliment my use of colours. Those give the atmosphere and feeling that catches their eyes in different ways.

The meaning of art?
Art has been a huge part of my life for all these years. As an introverted person that I am, it has helped me to express my feelings and thoughts more than a book of words might have. I’ve grown with it and thanks to it now I understand myself more.
Check out Albulena’s full profile at Displate here.