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Working artist - Painter, illustrator, calligrapher, textile designer, writer. Available for custom projects (including calligraphy & portraits)
Audrey Hepburn Be Classy
Andrian Monk 1
Mermaid La Sirene
Ukrainian Flower Crown
African Flower
Katharine Hepburn smoking
Lucille Ball
Joan Crawford Be strong
Audrey Hepburn Balloons
Betty Davis
Ava Gardner Be Fearless
Audrey Hepburn
Lady Lazarus
Blue Eye
Flower Botanical Art
Andrian Monk 2
Shawn and Gus PSYCH
Mermaid Dreams
Border Collie
Shih Tzu
Sweet Dachshund
Jack RussellTerrier
Jack Russell Terrier
Boston Terrier
Wuthering Heights quote 2
The Crown fanart 9
The Crown fanart 11
Pride and Prejudice quote2
Jane Eyre quote
Pride and Prejudice movie
Sense and Sensibility
Persuasion quote
Jane Eyre quote 2
Pride and Prejudice quote
Irish Coffee
The Crown fanart 5
The Crown fanart 8
Think Before U Eat Beef
Think Before U Eat Pork
Think Before U Eat Chicken
Ocean Hair
Phrenology + cigarette
I Feel Pretty
Raven 2
Raven 1
Kiss Me 2
Kiss Me
Tea Plant 2
Tea Plant 1
Tea Coffee and Wine 1
Its Always Tea Time 2
Tea and a Biscuit
Tea and Cake 2
Tea and a Biscuit 2
Its Always Teatime
The Future in Your Hand
Its All in Your Mind 2
Open Your Mind
Coffee Break 2
Hand With an Eye 7
Hand of Fatima 6
Hand With an Eye 6
Hand of Fatima 3
Hand of Fatima 2
Hand of Fatima 1
Anemones 7
Anemones 4
Floral Astronaut
To the Moon and Back
Lady of the Lake II
Butterfly Wings II
Butterfly Wings I
Fairytale maiden
Elephant 1
Mama Bear and Cub 8
Tear Up the Box
The Future is female 6
The Revolution is Female 8
The Deep Blue Sea
Sailor and Mermaid 1
Sailor and Mermaid 3
Under the Sea A Mermaid
Maiden of the Sea
Virtual Time
Archangel Michael 2
Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Raphael
Angel of Triumph
A Season and a Time
Angel with trumpet
Ice cream poster
Have some dessert
When life gives you lemons
Veggies Carps Diagram
Veggies Eat Your Greens
Xmas Psych
Psych You Know thats Right
Psych Suck it
Psych A little bit of this
of 4